Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Celebrating New Beginnings

Whew!  It has been TOO long, friends!!  The last few weeks of pregnancy kicked. my. butt. I was sure I would wake up one morning (if I fell asleep at all) to my body packing it's suitcase and heading for the tropics.  But, we made it!!  On May 23rd our lives changed forever…Miss A. Rose was born!!

I was blessed to be healthy enough for a natural, medication free labor and delivery.  It was a beautiful sunny day when little lady made her appearance, and I was able to spend the majority of my labor at home walking outside.  I'll write her full birth story some other time, but it was perfect.

The reason I have waited so long to blog about her arrival is that I wasn't sure how I would recover physically.  Miss A. is now 3 weeks old and I am, so far, relapse free!!  One of my biggest fears was not being able to come home with her right away, and I feel so fortunate to have been able to do that.  Recovery has been the normal wear and tear that happens after a woman gives birth, but my CIDP has remain unchanged from my last round of IVIG in March.  I still have symptoms that effect me, mainly muscle pain  and weakness, but I will be returning to physical therapy as soon as I am cleared by my OB.  I've actually kind of missed it!  The combination of IVIG and PT together have been crucial in my recovery and improvement.  I am still not as strong as I was pre-CIDP, but I am much stronger since my diagnosis.  I'm hoping to regain enough strength to run around with my little guy (who will somehow be TWO this summer).

Our coffee cups are empty, but our hearts are so, so full.  It is well.


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