Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"…And so we wait in joyful hope"

This summer has been one of such joy!  Simple days full of family and friends, both near and far.  New experiences and new appreciation for re-learned skills.  We're working on jumping (like an inch) in PT now!  Watch out, bounce houses…I'm coming for you! ;)

Our sweet girl is growing beautifully, smiling and cooing, and the little mister is going to be TWO in less than 10 days!  God is so, so good.  

After to many phone calls and a few backflips through red tape, I will be starting another round of IVIG tomorrow morning (yesterday, I started writing this a few nights ago).  As nervous as I am (why do I still get nervous?), I am also excited because this round of treatment will be done from the comfort of my own couch!  Praise God for home care!!  Instead of spending the week lonely, I will be having "coffee dates" with amazing friends who have offered to be my hands and feet this week while I'm attached to an IV.  I am so beyond humbled every time I sit and think about the angels God has placed in my life.  There are no words…you are each more of a blessing than I could ever possibly explain.  Thank you is simply inadequate.

Attending Mass with a newborn is a funny thing.  Just when I think we have prepared perfectly (the baby is fed, the toddler is in the nursery, we actually remembered the checkbook for the offering and our clothes are clean), little miss proves me wrong.  Between feedings, diaper changes, and where is that pacifier again, I'm not sure I have actually heard the homily in over a month.  As a result, I have been trying to really meditate on the phrases that I do hear.  

"…and so we await with joyful hope the coming of our savior Jesus Christ."

What a beautiful reminder.  Waiting with joyful hope…not anxiety or fear...sadness or doubt, but hope…joyfully.  

Living each day with hope, knowing that this world is not our home, that He has something more beautiful than we could ever realize waiting for us.  Even in the midst of suffering and pain, I take comfort this hope for a future with Him.  Consider this life nothing but joy, dear friends.  For God's desire is not a perfect life on this earth, but perfect peace resting in His will.
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