Tuesday, December 29, 2015

On Being Relentless

Relentless, as defined by my good friend Merriam-Webster, is showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace.  In simple terms: strength that remains (see also, #cantstopwontstop).  Oh, to be relentless in joy. It's a beautiful thing.

But what about those days when the joy doesn't come?  when the grey clouds of the world drag you down and all you want is everything that isn't?

Those cloudy days have been my BFF lately, and it's tough.  And I'm here, being honest.  And terrified of the transparency of my weakness.  But what would sharing my story mean if it wasn't told with truth?

In the last year I have: 

- actually started feeling the death of my father (he passed away three years ago, but I think I was in shock), 
- nearly lost my mother to a brain aneurysm (surprise!), 
- quickly lost all physical strength and basic function in my body that I'm still working to regain, 
- carried and birthed a beautiful baby girl enduring a very difficult pregnancy full of complications, 
- had the possibility of future healthy (for me) pregnancies all but ripped from my (and my husband's!) fingertips

...and now I'm attempting to make major dietary and lifestyle changes that will hopefully bring healing, but are making me a very difficult person to live with (I like food).

As a result of this last year, I am a disaster mentally.  I struggled with depression and anxiety as a teenager and through college.  I was finally in a great place mentally when this last year happened, so I am struggling once again.  There are too many days that I'm terrified to go to bed (stress-induced nightmares), and too exhausted to get out of bed once the day begins.  I am angry that my body has betrayed me.  I spend most days lately waiting in worry, rather than joyful hope (what if it's not over?).  But there is something I have this time that I didn't have ten years ago; determined strength.

Yes, I am having a rough winter (I know many are thrilled with the warm days, but I am really not a fan of all the rain and gray skies...come on beautiful snow!!).  The introvert in me would like to stay in the house until spring, avoiding all the socializing that happens this time of year.  But then my heart dares to hope, just for a moment.  

What if...it's not over?

If I could go back fifteen years and talk to my teenaged self, I would hug her and say, "Don't give up! Don't ever give up! Those plans you have for your life?  God's plans are so much better, so much greater than you could ever imagine.  Cry, yell, but seek joy.  It can be hard to find, but with God it's never gone. Be relentless; seek joy."

I may be depressed and anxious, but I am also relentless.  I will not give up.  I will seek joy. I will jump on the couch and dance in the kitchen, even (and especially) on cloudy days. 

It's not over.
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Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Peaceful Home

Joining in with Blessed is She for another link-up!   This week's theme is Peace, and as always, God's timing is perfect.

Having a toddler forces you to take a long, hard look in the mirror every moment of every day.  As a stay at home mom, I've been struggling lately to be the wife and mother I had always envisioned myself becoming.  Insecurity, fear, and anger are robbing me, and my amazing family, of the love, peace, and joy Christ calls us to.  My negative emotions mean there is little room for peace in our home.  It's time to look in the mirror.

I recently came across an article that describes anger as the surface of much deeper issues.  With tears streaming down my face, I realized I need to do some self healing (and possibly...no, definitely, take a nap).  It isn't January 1st, but today is always a good day for a resolution!  Perhaps goals is a better title for this.  #lifegoals?  Alright, moving on...

Things I wish for this holiday season...

To love myself more
To forgive (both myself and others)
To speak, think, and act with love
To choose kindness, always
To choose joy each day
To let my children see the Mom I've always hoped to be
To show the love of Christ to all
To find more time for Jesus, even when I've already found plenty
To bring peace to my heart, and peace to my home

I know, with Christ, I can do these things.  With His help, all things are possible.  He has already changed my heart in so many ways.

I will end with my favorite prayer and song to St. Francis:

Make me a channel of your peace.  
Where there is hatred let me bring your  love.  Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord  And where there's doubt, true faith in you.  

Make me a channel of your peaceWhere there's despair in life, let me bringhope  Where there is darkness, only light  And where there's sadness, ever joy.

Oh, Master grant that I may never seekSo much to be consoled as to console  To be understood as to understand  To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving to all that we receive,
And in dying that we're born to eternal life.


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