Monday, July 27, 2015

Flashbacks and Better Days

This last week was filled to the brim with family togetherness and "festivities" as I like to call them.  Last weekend, our beautiful girl Abby was baptized and welcomed into the Catholic Church!  My mom, sister, her husband, my sister-in-law, and all their children traveled to MD from all over the east coast to witness the glorious occasion and meet E and A for the first time!  It was so wonderful, having the whole family together.  The last time this happened was at our wedding nearly four years ago!  The day before the baptism was spent walking around DC and playing tourist…something I never thought I'd have the strength for again.  The last day my mom was in town we went shopping for the entire day, which is another thing I never thought I would do (at least not without a wheelchair) after my diagnosis.  Praise God for better days!!

This weekend, I bought new shoelaces for my sneakers, and almost cried in the shoe aisle at Target.  The laces currently in my shoes are elastic, and were put there by my Occupational Therapist so I could put on my own shoes.  On really good days, I sometimes forget that a few months ago I couldn't even tie my own shoes (and it wasn't because of my big pregnant belly).  Today, I can not only put on my shoes without assistive equipment…I have the hand strength to tie them, too!

I still have flashbacks…little reminders of what I lost, what I could and couldn't do…and I am humbled.  I am humbled and amazed that six months ago I couldn't dress myself, couldn't walk without a rollator (a cool walker with wheels), and could only climb the stairs in our house if I held onto the hand rail and moved at a snails pace.  My blood pressure was so low that I was often one movement away from blacking out, and I struggled to brush my hair because my arms weren't strong enough.

But God.

Today, those flashbacks are reminders to choose joy, and savor every moment…even the hard ones, because they are a gift.  Every day I can wake up and care for myself and my family is a gift, and I want to spend every moment God has given me to praise and thank HIm for this life.  

Please take my life and use it, God.

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