Thursday, March 19, 2015

Trust with Pennies

Today's post is part of a blog link-up with Blessed is She!  If you are looking for an amazing community of Catholic women and great devotionals, I really encourage you to check them out!  Today's #BISsisterhood topic is trust.

I had to smile when I saw that this week's topic was "trust".  God knows exactly what we need, right when we need it.  I am reminded over and over again that He really does hear and see us.

My dad tried for years when I was a teen to get me to understand financial responsibility.  I understood on a surface level, but not a real-world-adult level, so I was not smart with the money I made working as a teen and young adult.  I cringe when I think of how much money I wasted on clothes and concert tickets, especially on days like today.

Thomas and I have been married for nearly 4 years (time flies!), and money has always been "tight".  By tight, I mean that we've gone through several periods of un (or under) employment, and two medical crisis that left Thomas unable to work, and me without a job. It has been stressful.  It has been humbling.  It has required so much trust.

These last few months have been good to us; we were just starting to pick ourselves up from the most recent medical crisis, and I had finally found budgeting software that was written in "Meesh" as we like to say.  It made sense to my brain, and as a result we actually had a working family budget.  It felt great!  I have just started reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover book, and we were beginning the first baby step: saving an emergency fund.  

Then Toyota called with a report on our car in the shop.  The brakes need to be replaced, and it's not covered in the warranty.

To quote Mr. Ramsey, "I am positive; it is going to rain, so you need a rainy day fund."  

I would also add trusting God in there as an essential part of your rain attire…just sayin'.

So now we pray, trust, and humble ourselves yet again.  Asking for help, and trusting that God will provide has got to be one of the hardest things I have ever attempted in my life.  As many times as we've needed the support and generosity of others in our life, it has not gotten any easier to ask for or receive it.  God has spent my entire worry-filled-the-sky-is-falling life telling me to trust Him.  I'm honestly amazed and oh-so-thankful He hasn't just given up altogether at this point.  Praise God for His mercy, compassion, and grace!!  He is so good to me; I know I am so undeserving.  Still, my heart wants nothing more than to please Him and live His will for my life.  

To trust in His will, not mine.  To know without a doubt that He will carry me through.  I am positive, He is with me, and He will take care of me, as He's done so many times before.

So we will continue to save our pennies, and trust that they will provide for our family's needs.  We will strive day after day to be excellent stewards of the blessings given to us, knowing that He sees us and our needs.

For an extra dose of trusting God this week, my neurologist informed me that my insurance denied my request for treatment (thats supposed to happen next week).  She is going to call them, and is confident it will be fine, so we're just trusting God with that situation, too.  Life is always exciting!

This song had me in tears during my morning praise and worship…before I knew about the car.  He put this on my heart today as a great reminder…He knows my name.

Days, Ayiesha Woods

"But what about those days
When you just don't understand
And just when you're getting up
It seems you're falling down again

What about those times
When it's not so easy to believe
When doubt causes you to only
Go by what you see

Don't you wish that every day was an easy day
And there was nothing that you couldn't do

But if every day was an easy day
You'd never be able to say that Jesus brought you through"

This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.


  1. Mischa, your story is very inspiring and one that is full of trust. God has been giving our family big doses of trusting in Him this Lent as well! Thank you for passing along those verses of that beautiful song, it is just what I needed for today! God bless you.

    1. Hi Lisa! Thank you so much! I will keep you and your family in my prayers especially this lenten season. I'm so glad you enjoyed the song lyrics; God certainly knew it was what I needed today, too. :) Blessings to you!!

  2. God is good....all the time! He never fails to give us ample opportunities to trust in Him. ;) You are an inspiration, Mischa.
