Thursday, October 8, 2015

BIS Sisterhood | Living Faith

It's that time again!!  I am SO excited to be joining back into the #BISsisterhood link-up with Blessed is She!   If you're a Catholic woman looking for an awesome community of sisters in Christ, check them out!  You can even get daily devotions right to your inbox each saver for this mama!

This week's topic is "Living Faith", which made me both excited and nervous.

"Faith is meant to be LIVED! How are you living it out today?"

Well, gosh...I spent all afternoon washing the dishes without complaining, does that count?

In all honesty though, I stole an idea heard on an episode of the Building Bridges podcast (seriously, those ladies rock; you should  have them over for digital coffee), and I try to make each part of my day a prayer.

Sometimes the prayer is a simple "thank you, God for this beautiful weather", sometimes it's a Hail Mary said as I load dishes into the washer, or try to match yet another pair of socks...and sometimes it's me face to the floor (or to the sky, depending on the day) saying "God. Help."

A more recent addition to living my faith is something so simple, I used to take it for granted.

I make plans.

A little over a year ago, I wouldn't have thought twice about making plans; of course I could go to that get together!  A concert? Sounds great!  But when my world was rocked with a life-long illness, I froze in my tracks.  Thinking about the next five minutes terrified me, never mind next week.  Would I feel well enough to attend that party?  Could I actually simon the strength to bring a dish, or help out?  Or my worst fear, would I even be home? Would I be in the hospital again?

These are questions that still pop into my head when anyone asks me to show up somewhere more than an hour from when they ask, but I am no longer paralyzed in fear.  Looking back on my life and seeing all the situations where God showed up and blew all my insecurities right out of the could I not believe He would show up again?  I know He will, so I say yes to plans.  I say yes to my future, because I have complete faith in His perfect will for my life.

Play dates, kitchen dance sessions, and throwing joy around like confetti.  This is my living faith; my heart is full.
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