Thursday, February 4, 2016

In the Light

My mind gravitates towards bright, colorful images; the more light the better.  For years, I lived in emotional darkness that crippled me, but today I choose to live joyfully, in color and light.  Some days that's really, really hard, but nothing will keep me from trying!!

I'm excited to be writing again; I've learned that having a creative outlet (or maybe seven or twelve...) is so. good. for my soul.  Flexing my creative muscles makes me a better wife and mom, and fills my cup.  So i'm writing again, and taking pictures with my real camera again (!!), and singing more (even if it's only to the dirty dishes in the sink).  Life is good.

2016 is the year I will actually complete a 365 (366?) project!  I may not be the best at posting everything each day, but I am actually taking images each day, and that's the important part! Im excited to grow as an artist and document whatever this year decides to throw at us.  I am praying for a much less eventful year, but no matter what, I know God will be with us always!

Cheers to the adventures of 2016; may they be full of love, joy, and light!


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