Sunday, February 22, 2015

Grateful for Your love

Yesterday we got almost a foot of snow. Today it was 45 degrees (beach weather!) so this happened...

The first time it snowed this year, I was laying in a hospital bed unable to move. I could barely see the snow from my position in bed, and I remember crying thinking that all I wanted was to play with my son and watch him discover the beauty of winter; a season I cherished when I was young.  It has snowed a few times since that day, but I was still not strong enough to bundle us up and head outside.  Each time I wondered if that was the last snow of the season, if I had missed my chance to make memories with my boy.  But God is so faithful, and hears our cries, no matter how small.  He blessed us with this beautiful day, warm enough that we didn't need hats, but cold enough for a big blanket of soft white snow.

Today, I was strong enough.  It was warm enough.  We are all healthy enough.  Memories were made.

Thank you, God, for the gift of today.

My body is tired, but my heart is so full.

Today…I cried tears of joy.  May God be praised.

"You chase us into the dark and Lord we're grateful, oh we're grateful
You captured our hearts with Your love, oh Lord You're faithful, you are faithful
We're grateful for Your love" - Ellie Holcomb


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