Friday, February 20, 2015

An Update and Fresh Look!

Hi, friends!  A lot has changed since my last big update, including this blog!  Welcome to the new home of Relentless Joy!  I am SO excited about this beautiful new template, and to be set up with my good friend Blogger, whom I'm much more familiar with.  One big logistical change I'm loving is now readers can comment on what I write!  I am super excited to be able to interact with all of you wonderful people out there on the internet. :)  I'm hoping that this change will make my blog slightly more accessible to everyone, and give people a way to reach out even if we've never met.

So, about that life update…

Things continue to go relatively well; I am reminded each day of my limitations, which continues to be humbling.  Many have asked how I'm feeling, and it's actually slightly difficult to answer.  My usual response is something similar to "today is a good day" since my condition can change literally overnight.  I am certainly much stronger than when I was in the hospital, but am still struggling with muscle weakness.  I feel it most when climbing stairs or moving from standing to sitting/vice versa, but any "big" movement is a reminder that I cannot physically do what I once could.  And most days, that's ok.  I've accepted it as much as I'm able today.  I've been dealing with a pins and needles feeling on one side of my back, which tests my patience, but I know it's part of the neuropathy with CIDP.  My blood pressure continues to remain an issue (it's too low, too often), but I have medication that helps bring it up which allows me to function without blacking out - a great thing when chasing a toddler.  Praise God for helpful doctors!

I still get tired easily, but it's getting better.  I was able to go to the mall and walk around for a bit (under an hour) for the first time since September…it was a great day!  Doing little things like that help me feel normal again.  I try to do one "new" thing a week; it helps keep me joyful and appreciative of the everyday.

I finally had my first followup with my neurologist since being hospitalized, and it went well!  She was pleased with my progress, and listened as I explained my current symptoms.  Dr. L wants to redo the EMG/Nerve Conduction Study to compare it with the one from December.  I'm interested to see the comparison, but not so excited about the test.  It's not as bad asa spinal tap, but it's still fairly uncomfortable.  Still, I know how important having up-to-date data is, so I'm happy to undergo the test. We have also decided since I am still having symptoms to do another round of IVIG- this time as an outpatient!  I'm excited to see if this treatment combined with my continued PT will get me closer to 100%, at least for a little while.  Dr. L is also hopeful that if we do another IVIG treatment that I might not relapse after baby #2 is born (relapse of CIDP is common in the weeks postpartum)…but I won't hold her to that. :)  It will be the same 5 day treatment I received in November/December, and will take about 6 hours each day.  I expect there will be lots of blogging and reading that week!  Dr. L also gave me an order for outpatient physical therapy…I'm hoping to start that ASAP once I can figure out what to do with Mr. Big Cheeks.

All of this coupled with my chiropractor appointments (thank you, pregnancy - 3x a week initially), and OB appointments (both with my regular OB and a high risk OB) means I go to a LOT of doctors appointments.  I'm becoming an expert! MBC was feeling a bit left out, so he decided to get an upper respiratory infection and a double ear infection back to back.  The pediatrician's office is much more cheerful!

But the good (ok, great) news is that I was finally cleared to drive!!  YAY!!!  One more step towards independence…God is so good.

Lent could not have come at a better time. It's so cold outside that we have been homebound for too long, leaving room for loneliness and depression to set in.  Lent is the perfect time to really dive into God's word and renew my spirit.  I am thankful for this season of reflection, longing, and prayerfully - change.

Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.


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